Sourcing (RFQ’s)

Elevate your procurement
with e-Sourcing

Streamline RFQs, boost negotiations through centralized quote analysis, and achieve optimal supplier selection, cost savings, and negotiation prowess.

eTendering-digitising tenders-tender software

Unleash Maximum Efficiency, Cost Saving, and Strategic Sourcing

Effortlessly Discover, Evaluate, and Connect with Suppliers Using Fortender’s Cutting-Edge Sourcing Features

Efficient Request Creation

Easily create RFQs by specifying the required products, services, quantities, and other relevant details.

Digital Invitations

Streamline your RFQ process by sending invitations to selected vendors using our advanced system. Vendors can conveniently accept or decline invitations, ensuring efficient communication and collaboration.

Document Management

Attach supporting documents, such as specifications, images or drawings, to provide suppliers with all the necessary information.

Automated Evaluation and Comparison

Evaluate and compare received quotations based on various criteria, such as price, quality, and supplier reputation.

Streamlined Supplier Communication

Seamlessly communicate with suppliers, enabling clarifications, negotiations, and updates throughout the RFQ process using the Request for Clarification (RFC) feature.

eSourcing Benefits

Enhance your Procurement Process, Streamline Supplier Management, and Improve Decision-Making

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